Sharing Made Easy: Essential Skills in the Digital age

Sharing, Digital Sharing, Social Media, Email, Cloud Storage, Online Document Collaboration Tools, Video Conferencing, Privacy Settings, Visibi




Welcome to the “Sharing Made Easy: Essential Skills in the Digital Age” training course!

In today’s interconnected world, sharing information online has become an integral part of our lives. This course is designed to equip you with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate the digital landscape confidently and responsibly.

Key themes covered in this module include:

  • The importance of sharing information online for staying connected and engaged
  • The benefits and challenges of digital sharing
  • Popular tools and platforms for sharing information online
  • The safe and effective use of sharing tools
  • Practical tips and strategies for managing shared files
  • Common pitfalls, potential risks and concerns associated with digital sharing

 Objectives / Goals / Learning outcomes

At the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • Identify the benefits and challenges of digital sharing
  • Be empowered to confidently share information online
  • Gain practical skills in using sharing tools effectively
  • Understand best practices for protecting your personal information
  • Recognise and handle potential risks and concerns


 Sharing Made Easy: Essential Skills in the Digital Age

Introduction to Sharing Online

  Importance of Sharing Information Online

Sharing information online is crucial for staying connected and engaged in today’s digital age.

It allows individuals to communicate, collaborate, and interact with others, both personally and professionally.

Through the DIGITAL SHARING, we are able to:

  • Access a wealth of resources and knowledge
  • Help individuals stay informed about current event and trends
  • Exchange ideas
  • Foster a sense of community
  • Collaborate on projects


  Benefits of Digital Sharing – Examples with Social Media


Social media platforms like Facebook enable individuals to:

  • Connect and engage with friends, family, and acquaintances
  • Share personal experiences: updates, photos, and videos
  • Join communities of shared interests
  • Break geographical distances






Social media platforms like LinkedIn enable professionals to:

  • Build and expand their network
  • Share industry insights
  • Showcase their expertise




  Popular Platforms and Tools for Sharing

Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter are popular for sharing photos, videos, and updates with friends, family, and followers.

It is a widely used tool for sharing files and documents, providing a convenient way to send and receive information.

Dropbox, Google Drive, and iCloud – for example – allow users to store and share files securely across different devices.

Google Docs and Microsoft Office 365 – for example – enable multiple users to work on the same document simultaneously, enhancing teamwork and productivity.

Zoom and Microsoft Teams – for example – facilitate real-time communication and screen sharing, making it easy to collaborate and present information remotely.


Essential Sharing Tools and Platforms

  Social Media: Sharing Photos, Videos, and Updates

Digital sharing on social media platforms has revolutions the way we connect and share experiences.

Social media enable instant sharing of photos, videos, and updates. Users can capture a moment, edit it, and share it within seconds, allowing for real-time interaction.

There are no geographical boundaries. It allows users to share experiences, cultures, and perspectives on a global scale.

Platforms like Instagram and TikTok emphasise visual content. Users can showcase their creativity, share their passions, and engage with others through visually compelling content.

Users can follow accounts, join groups, and participate in conversations, creating a sense of belonging and connection.

Platforms offer privacy settings that allow users to control the visibility, choosing to share publicly, with specific individuals, or within private groups, ensuring their comfort and security.

  Social Media: Sharing Photos, Videos, and Updates – Examples

Main social media platforms and features:

With over 2.8 billion monthly active users, Facebook allows users to share photos, videos, and status updates with their network. Users can create albums, tag friends, and share content on their timeline or in groups and communities.

Known for its visual focus, Instagram allows to share photos and videos with followers. Users can apply filters, add captions, and use hashtags to reach a wider audience. Instagram Stories and Reels provide options for sharing more temporary or long-form content.

This short-form video platform has gained immense popularity for its creative and entertaining content. Users can share videos up to 60 seconds long, add effects, filters, and music, and engage with a global community through likes, comments, and shares.

With its character limit of 280 characters, Twitter is a microblogging platform that allows users to share updates, thoughts, and links. Users can also share photos and videos, as well as engage in conversations through replies, retweets, and hashtags.


  Email: Sending and Receiving Files and Documents

Email is a widely used tool for sharing files and documents electronically, providing a convenient way to send and receive information.

Email providers such as Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo Mail offer various functionalities for digital sharing:

Users can attach files, such as documents, images, or presentations, to an email and send them to recipients.

Email providers offer options for sharing large files that exceed the attachment size limit. Users can upload files to the cloud and share a link to the file in the email, allowing for easy access and download.

Email providers offer security features that protect sensitive information from unauthorised access. Users can encrypt emails, set up two-factor authentication, and use spam filters to prevent phishing attacks.


  Cloud Storage: Sharing and Collaborating on Files

As anticipated in the previous slide for large file sharing, there are cloud storage services (Dropbox, Google Drive, iCloud, etc.) that allow users to store and share files securely across different devices àYou can access files from anywhere à Accessibility. Cloud storage services provide diverse functionalities for digital sharing:

Users can share files / folders with others, allowing for collaboration and teamwork. They can set permissions and access levels to control who can view, edit, or share.

Users can track changes and maintain a history of document revisions. This ensures that everyone is working on the latest version of the file.

Syncing features automatically update files across different devices. Users can access to the latest version of the file, regardless of the device they are using.

Cloud storage services offer scalable storage options, allowing users to increase or decrease storage capacity as needed.

Security features protect files from unauthorised access. Users can encrypt files, set up two-factor authentication, and use password protection.

  Online Document Collaboration: Working Simultaneously on Documents

Specifically for the files for which collaboration is required, there are tools (Google Docs, Microsoft Office 365, etc.) that allow multiple users and simultaneous work on a document à Real-time collaboration

Users can see changes in real-time and communicate through comments and chat. It is also a tool to track changes and maintain the history of revisions à Version Control

This last characteristic (Version Control) does not only concern a temporal and therefore quantitative check, but also a qualitative one.

Therefore, each user will log in with his or her own account and any changes made by the individual co-developer account of the document will be tracked and recorded.

Furthermore, due to the simultaneity feature, no conflicting copies will be created.

  Video Conferencing: Sharing Screens and Presentations

Digital Sharing through video conferencing has made it easier to conduct virtual meetings and presentations, regardless physical location or time zone à Collaboration and Remote Work

The basis of interaction for a videoconference is the activation of the video camera and microphone, which allow face-to-face interaction to be replicated in virtual settings, also asking question providing instant feedback.

Moreover, the main digital information sharing takes place with the screen sharing and presentations.

Specifically, users can share their screens to showcase presentations, documents, or other visual content during virtual meetings. This allows for effective collaboration, remote presentations, and demonstrations.

…on a side note: Video conferencing platforms are cost-effective, reducing the need for travel and in-person meetings.

Practical Tips and Common Pitfalls

  Managing Shared Files

After delivering the main digital tools and platforms for sharing, let’s introduce the importance of managing the shared information and files. The effective management appears essential for organisation and accessibility.

Users should establish a clear file organisation system and naming conventions to ensure easy retrieval. By the way, here are the best practices taking a document with input for tax return as example:

  • Use descriptive file names to save, share and facilitate easy navigation and search

Example:   YYYYMMDD* Surname of the person Topic Year of reference.docx
20230615 Smith input for Tax Return 2022.docx

  • Utilise features like timing and version control to track changes and maintain a history of document revisions. In our example (tax return), it’s important to save multiple versions of the document whenever changes are made. This can be achieved by creating copies of the file with different dates and retaining previous versions, as follows:
    •   20230515 Smith input for Tax Return – 2022.docx
    •   20230601 Smith input for Tax Return – 2022.docx
    •   20230615 Smith input for Tax Return – 2022.docx


*saving date in the format year/month/day

  Protecting Personal Information while Sharing

Likewise, it is crucial to protect personal information – especially from unauthorised access.

Users should be cautions about sharing sensitive details such as addresses, phone numbers, or financial information, limiting themselves to provide only the necessary information and always read the terms and conditions of use.


Best practices for protecting personal information while sharing:

  • Avoid sharing them in public forums or through unsured Wi-Fi networks
  • Use secure sharing platforms that encrypt data – e.g. WhatsApp with the “end-to-end” encryption
  • Use strong and unique (complex) password for each online account
  • Regularly review and adjust privacy settings to control who can access your personal information

  Privacy Settings and Visibility Control

Specifically, privacy settings and visibility control options are essential for managing the audience and accessibility of shared content and information.

It is important to manage:


Most sharing platforms offer customisable settings to control who can view, comment in, or share your content. For example, when posting on Facebook, you can choose between options such as public, friends-only, or custom settings.

Through this option you can align settings with your desired level of privacy.

Set an authorisation methods through alerts of access from a new device on a main online account – e.g. Gmail.

Through this option you can know if there is someone (who is not you) is trying to access your accounts and thus your information.


  Summing up

Well done! Now you know more about:

Sharing Information Online: You have gained an understanding of the importance of sharing information online for staying connected and engaged in the digital age. By exploring the benefits and challenges of digital sharing, you are now equipped to navigate the digital landscape confidently and responsibly.

Essential Sharing Tools and Platforms: Through exploring popular tools and platforms for sharing information online, you have learned practical tips and strategies for effective digital sharing. You now have the skills to share and manage information and files.

Practical Tips and Common Pitfalls: Through navigating into pitfalls, such as accidentally sharing sensitive information or granting unauthorised access to shared files, and practical tips, you now have the competences to protect personal information, and utilise privacy settings and visibility control to ensure safe and secure sharing.



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