

Safe and Smart Online: Managing Your Digital Identity and Interactions

As we navigate the digital world, it is crucial to understand how to create and manage our digital identity, and how to interact responsibly with others online. This module encompasses the key themes of: Managing digital identity Following online behaviour guidelines Throughout this module, you will acquire the knowledge and skills to: Manage your online presence Communicate responsibly Collaborate effectively in the digital realm

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Sharing Made Easy: Essential Skills in the Digital age

Welcome to the “Sharing Made Easy: Essential Skills in the Digital Age” training course! In today’s interconnected world, sharing information online has become an integral part of our lives. This course is designed to equip you with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate the digital landscape confidently and responsibly. Key themes covered in this module include: The importance of sharing information online for staying connected and engaged The benefits and challenges of digital sharing Popular tools and platforms for sharing information online The safe and effective use of sharing tools Practical tips and strategies for managing shared files Common pitfalls, potential risks and concerns associated with digital sharing

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Online Data Management (Finding, storing and retrieving information)

Within this module, the audience learns in a first step to recognize what information the internet offers and how this information can be found with the help of search engines. There is also information on the topic of accessibility on the net. Unit 2 gives concrete help on how to save files on one's own computer or in the cloud. It also explains in detail why a folder structure should be set up systematically and according to Miller's rule. Unit 3 gives concrete tips for retrieving files and for efficient digital online management.

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Navigating the World of Disinformation

Our online training is designed to give you the knowledge and skills you need to navigate the disinformation-plagued digital landscape. Through engaging modules, you will gain a deep understanding of disinformation, including its definition, common forms, and impact on individuals and society. The training focuses on developing and improving critical thinking skills so you can critically evaluate information and effectively identify potential disinformation. You will also learn basic fact-checking techniques to verify information before sharing it, and how to behave responsibly online. Topics covered range from understanding the motives behind disinformation and the role of social media to recognizing warning signs, using fact-checking tools, and building resilience to disinformation. By the end of the course, you will be equipped with the tools necessary to combat disinformation and make informed decisions in the digital realm.

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e-Health literacy for the promotion and maintenance of health

The education is designed to provide relevant information to improve health literacy, i.e. e-health literacy. The training will focus on developing and improving skills to obtain relevant information and identify potential sources that contain disinformation. about health and treatment. They will also learn how to verify information before it is shared or used for treatment purposes. Topics covered range from learning about the concept of health literacy, the concept of e-health literacy, finding and using relevant information, recognizing disinformation., and learning how to use fact-checking methods. Upon completion of the training, the necessary skills will be acquired to find relevant information about health and specific medical conditions and to recognize potential sources of disinformation.

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Personal Finance in the Digital Environment

This module focuses on personal finance in the digital environment, covering important aspects of financial literacy and digital financial services. In Unit 1, you'll explore the meaning and significance of financial literacy in the digital age. Unit 2 provides an understanding of digital financial services such as online banking and payment systems. Unit 3 focuses on managing digital financial risks and understanding your rights in using these services. By the end of the module, you'll have the knowledge and skills to navigate digital financial services and protect your financial well-being.

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Online safety: Do’s and don’ts

This course offers a comprehensive overview of how to stay safe while using the internet, providing practical advice on online do’s and don’ts, including tips on secure connections, password management, privacy settings for social media, safe online shopping practices, and recognizing and avoiding frauds and scams. By following these guidelines, you will be able to navigate the online world safely and protect yourself from potential threats.

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Cyber security for seniors: Tools for Safe Navigation

This training equips seniors with the essential knowledge and tools to navigate the online world safely. Participants will learn about cyber security risks and recognize common threats. They will understand safe internet browsing and email security, secure personal devices, safeguard personal information, and stay safe. The training also covers incident response and the importance of staying updated on emerging cyber threats. They will also be able to navigate digital technologies safely in relation to their health and well-being, making informed decisions and leveraging the opportunities they provide. By the end, you will be empowered to protect yourselves and your personal information online.

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